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Modern, fun and quality handcrafted felt ball decors and supplies - baby mobiles, garlands, flowers and more!

Ava - Baby Mobile

Felt Ball Baby Mobile Australia | Felt Nursery Mobile

Add unique nursery decoration with adorable, handmade felt ball baby mobile. Keep baby happy for hours with handmade, colorful pom pom baby nursery mobiles.

Ava - Baby Mobile

Blush and Baby Pink Baby Girl Mobile - Baby Pink and Blush Girl Nursery Baby Mobile
Blush and Baby Pink Baby Girl Mobile - Baby Pink and Blush Girl Nursery Baby Mobile
Blush and Baby Pink Baby Girl Mobile - Baby Pink and Blush Girl Nursery Baby Mobile
Blush and Baby Pink Baby Girl Mobile - Baby Pink and Blush Girl Nursery Baby Mobile

Ava - Baby Mobile


- Ava -

A nursery doesn’t have to be all baby animals! This chic, modern mobile adds the perfect contemporary touch to a baby’s room. Add this unique decor piece for a nursery that really stands out!

This distinctive crib mobile is a perfect baby shower gift for the coolest parents-to-be you know. Its understated, classic design would also look great in a grandparent’s home or anywhere else baby goes. Whether buying for your own nursery or giving as a gift, this high-quality, modern mobile will give any crib a cool, contemporary look!

Felt ball colors: White, Blush, Baby Pink, Sand
Crochet bead: Baby Pink
String: White
Dimension: Approximately 12" (w) x 13" (h)

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•    High quality 100% wool felt balls (1cm, 2.5cm, 3cm)
•    Eco wooden crochet beads
•    Natural wood beads
•    Comes beautifully gift wrapped, perfect as a gift
•    Mobile measures approximately 30 cm wide by 33 cm high (12" x 13")
•    1.5 m hanging cord, including loop at the top, for height adjustment as baby grows

As our felt balls are each lovingly handmade, there may be slight variations in their size (±0.2cm to ±0.5cm) and color, presenting a touch of uniqueness in their handmade nature. Due to different computer monitor display settings, colors may also vary slightly from that of the picture. However, we do our very best to present the colors of our wool felt balls as precisely as possible. 

Wish to purchase a customised felt ball mobile?