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Modern, fun and quality handcrafted felt ball decors and supplies - baby mobiles, garlands, flowers and more!

Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland

Christmas Garlands | Felted Acorns | Christmas decorations

Modern and fun decor premium handcrafted felt ball decorations perfect for bringing the Christmas holiday festive spirit to your home.

Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland

Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland
Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland
Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Mantel Garland
Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland

Candy Cane Red & White Christmas Felt Ball Garland


Decorate for Christmas this year with this felt ball garland for a modern twist! This garland is not only great around a Christmas tree, but it’s perfect as Christmas mantel and staircase decorations as well. It is versatile, reusable and will always add a whimsical and beautiful touch to any ambience.

Colours: Red, White, White Candy Canes


• Length: 2 meter (about 6.5 feet) as pictured – 47 shapes total

• Handmade with 100% wool felt balls of 2.5cm each (about 1 inch) and felt candy canes

• Strung on a strong cotton string.

• The ends of the garland are looped for easy hanging.

• No knots will be tied in the string, felt balls and shapes will be pre-spaced for you right out of the package (1 finger apart for an even distribution), but you may also space or move them according to your preference with just a gentle tug and they will grip the string and stay in place even without knots

• Handmade in a pet-free and smoke-free environment

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