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Modern, fun and quality handcrafted felt ball decors and supplies - baby mobiles, garlands, flowers and more!

DIY Baby Mobile Kit - Blush and Beige Heart

DIY Baby Mobile

DIY Baby Mobile Kit - Blush and Beige Heart

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DIY Blush and beige heart box.jpg
Baby Mobile New Colour Chart 2021.jpg
Felt Heart Colour Chart.jpg
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DIY Baby Mobile Kit - Blush and Beige Heart


This DIY Baby Mobile kit is a sweet and original gift for a newborn baby girl. We've designed this adorable mobile kit in blush and beige palette to suit a minimal and modern nursery design. You can follow our pattern in the instructions or make it in any style you choose by arranging the balls and shapes on the hangers as you wish.

You'll only need a ruler or measuring tape and scissors to create this beautiful mobile. The hangers are already assembled, with strings in place, just string up the balls, beads and shapes and decorate!

This kit includes:

• 2 wooden arched hangers in large 30cm diameter - already assembled, flat packed, with Cream strings ready to thread

• Needle

• Needle threader (for easy threading of string through the needle)

• Felt balls in Blush, Sand, Latte and Cream

• Wooden beads

• Felt hearts in Blush and Sand

• Printed instructions in English with illustrations and text

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If you would like a customised colour palette, please send us a message and we can help you with a custom listing. Please refer to the colour charts in images #6 & 7 :)


For the safety of babies and young children:

• The baby mobile is NOT a toy and is not intended to be touched. It should NOT be offered to a baby or children as a toy.

• Please ensure the baby mobile is always kept out of the reach of the baby or young children.

• Do not attach the baby mobile within the baby’s reach or in a place where it could be moved out of place by baby or children.

• Discontinue the use of the baby mobile or hang the baby mobile from the ceiling at a height out of reach once the baby starts trying to get up on its hands and knees in a crawling position, or is capable of sitting or standing by herself/himself in the bed, or is capable of reaching and grabbing the baby mobile.

• Discontinue use if there is any damage noticed.