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Modern, fun and quality handcrafted felt ball decors and supplies - baby mobiles, garlands, flowers and more!

Dusty Pink Pom Pom Trivet 20cm

Felt Ball Mats | Felt Pom Pom Trivets & Place Mats

Modern, shabby chic decor premium handcrafted felt ball place mats and trivets for an elegant and fun dining room or kitchen table.

Dusty Pink Pom Pom Trivet 20cm

Dusty Pink Felt Ball Mat 20cm
Dusty Pink Pom Pom Trivet 20cm
Dusty Pink Felt Ball Trivet_2.jpg
Dusty Pink Felt Ball Mat 20cm
Dusty Pink Pom Pom Trivet 20cm
Dusty Pink Felt Ball Trivet_2.jpg

Dusty Pink Pom Pom Trivet 20cm


Felt ball trivet perfect for dressing your dining table to make your everyday meals look a treat! It can also be used to protect your surfaces from hot dishes.

Pom Pom Color: Dusty Pink
Diameter: 20cm

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• Handmade with 100% wool felt balls of 2.5cm each (about 1 inch)
• Diameter: 20cm
• Care: Spot cleaning with a damp cloth

Due to different computer monitor display settings, colors may also vary slightly from that of the picture. However, we do our very best to present the colors of our wool felt balls as precisely as possible.