Girls Room Felt Ball Garlands | Pom Pom Garlands
Handcrafted felt ball garlands are an adorable way to add pretty color to your little girl’s nursery, playroom, or birthday celebration.
Baby Pink & Blush Felt Heart Pom Pom Garland - Ellen
Baby Pink & Blush Felt Heart Pom Pom Garland - Ellen
- Ellen -
Length: 2m
Felt Heart Colors: Baby Pink
Pom Pom Colors: Blush, White, Sand
Handmade with 100% wool felt hearts of 4cm - 5cm each and 2.5cm felt balls.
• Strung on a strong White cotton string.
• Length: 2 meter (about 6.5 feet) – 19 felt balls and 6 felt hearts
• The ends of the garland are looped for easy hanging.
• No knots will be tied in the string, you may space each felt heart 2 to 3 fingers apart with just a gentle tug and they will grip the string and stay in place even without knots.
• Handmade in a pet-free and smoke-free environment.