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Modern, fun and quality handcrafted felt ball decors and supplies - baby mobiles, garlands, flowers and more!

Valentine's Day Felt Heart Flowers

Valentine's Day

Shop for unique handmade felt ball decorations for Valentine's Day and felt pom pom craft supplies for your DIY projects.

Valentine's Day Felt Heart Flowers

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Valentine's Day Felt Heart Flowers


Create your own gorgeous Valentine’s Day centerpiece with these dainty felt heart flowers! They are available in a set of 6. Purchase several and wrap them with a ribbon for your bridal bouquet on your wedding day. They are perfect for a Valentine’s Day wedding or party. Stick them in a vase and use them as beautiful decor for your bedroom year round. These hearts are hand felted from 100% wool and secured on stems.

Colours: Red, White, Hot Pink, Candy Pink, Rose Pink, Dusty Pink

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• Handmade with 100% wool felt hearts of 4cm - 5cm.
• Made with quality bamboo sticks
• Total length: 25cm (about 10 inches)
• Quantities: 6 (1 of each color)
• Handmade in a pet-free and smoke-free environment

As these felt heart flowers are each lovingly handmade, there may be slight variations in their size (±0.2cm) and colour, presenting a touch of uniqueness in their handmade nature. Due to different computer monitor display settings, colours may also vary slightly from that of the picture. However, we do our very best to present the colours of our felt heart flowers as precisely as possible.